Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Been a "while"!

It has been quite a while since I posted something on this blog. It was meant to be my official blog, the blog where I would speak of wonderful actions done on climate change and its combat. But then again, unfortunately I seem to have failed in the task of posting something for the last I know what months, being occupied with my personal rants, which ended up enveloping the climatic world actions as well.

Life needs to be different this year I presume, there needs to be more articles that have a serious note to them, articles that people who things into literal interpretation will appreciate than the ones I end up exposing to the world on "vositha's blog".

So let me try to make a change, and on quitting work next week, try to find more time to blog in a much sane manner, to those who have difficulty in dissecting my insane statements, and who would appreciate Vositha for being a person of sense, and not of nonsense.

Pray to God that this statement and resolution be taken seriously and then acted upon, and not turn into one of those resolutions one makes on new year's eve for the deprivation of having something interesting to do, and having to have some change in life.

I have enough change in mine, above all that of the "climate"!

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